A photograph is worth a hell of a lot more than a thousand words…

Posts tagged “rifle

Under the gun…

_MG_6590loresMy friend Steve ownes and oprates a firearms training school (Michigan Defensive Firearms Institute) I’ve taken a few of his classes and found them to be worth while. The link provided is worth a click.

Steve is a retired Sheriff’s Deputy from Wayne County Michigan, and generally knows his poop. He is a large individual with all of the graces and subtlety of a 400 pound ballerina, and has about as much tact as a 3 year old, but there are few people on the face of the planet that can out shoot him.

He is pictured here bird dogging one of his students.

King of the Hill


"The tree of Liberty must be refreshed, from time to time, with the blood of Patriots & Tyrants. It is it's natural manure." - Thomas Jefferson

“The tree of Liberty must be refreshed, from time to time, with the blood of Patriots & Tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.” – Thomas Jefferson

When I took this photo, I was thinking about all of the encroachments by the federal (and state) government into every aspect of our lives, and the whittling away of our civil liberties and Consitutional Rights. Now don’t go branding me a conservative (even if I resemble one). I blame both Republicans and Democrats for the erosion of Freedom in America.

I believe that there will come a day when the American people will find that they have been pushed enough, and will push back…hard. The trouble with government is that through its natural course of actions, it garners more and more power unto itself. The civil servant has forgotten what a servant is.

…I had also watched Red Dawn the day before I took this photograph (I nearly shouted, “Wolverines!” whilst atop the hill). 😉

I really should take more photos like this one…I might shed some of this spare tire I seem to have procured over the last couple of years. The “hill” isn’t much of a hill at all. It is the side impact berm on the pistol range at the gun club to which I belong. It is only about 8-10ft tall, if that.

The camera was set low on a tripod with a wide angle. Using the self timer, I had 10 seconds to scramble to the top of the berm and get into position.

It took me somewhere on the order of 30-40 attempts to get this shot. There are around 29-39 images of me halfway up the berm, or falling backward off of it.

The Things I Carried…

25aPretty self explanatory. These are the things I had in Iraq.

The firearms aren’t the actual firearms I had (they don’t let you take those home), but ones like them.  As for the bible; I’m not an overly religious person. The night before I left, my gear was all packed up in the garage waiting to be loaded into my truck for the drive to the bus that would take me to the plan that would take me to Kuwait to wait for war to break out.

My (ex)wife put the bible into my ruck without my knowledge. She isn’t overly religious, either. I suppose she was buying insurance….